Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Farm Week in Review.


This time of year, I have great intentions for the amount of things that I will accomplish in one day.  Most days, I actually get through a handful of those things.  One thing which I wish that I took more time for was writing.  If I could take the time to tell the stories that race around through my head as I try to settle into bed at night. . . well, farming would be my hobby.

We’ve been planting and harvesting and planting again in the high tunnels/ hoop houses. And, we have bravely set out onions and peas outside.  I say “bravely” because this spring is behaving less like the springs of the past few years and more like the springs of my childhood.  In fact, next week it is supposed to freeze, that’s right folks FREEZE.  I generally stick to May 15th as the last threat of frost in our area, and *fingers crossed* this is just Mother Nature’s way of sticking to her schedule.

This year we have a much better handle on how to plant successively.  Please do not read this as saying that we have the answer, but simply that we learned our lesson last year.  For our place, this means that we are still starting seeds in the greenhouse to be planted several weeks from now.  It also means that we arranged our high tunnel to accommodate shorter and more numerous rows.  However, we still were a little carried away with the tomatoes, which now number over 60 in the high tunnel, what can I say, we love tomatoes!  And anyone; relative, friend, general acquaintance, person we greeted at church in the pew behind us, will also love tomatoes by the end of the summer, because I will be passing out tomatoes like Gideons pass out bibles.

We are still getting all of the livestock situated for the summer.  We have a a handful of criteria: 1) grass fed 2.) ease of chores 3.) kept out of the garden.  This means we are checking fences, creating moveable paddocks, and finding the holes through which those goats with mythical collapsable ribs can wiggle through.  Our turkeys and ducks come at the end of May!  And we will be looking forward to our grassfed broilers a little later in the summer.

Oh! And before I forget we have bees and fish arriving in the very near future (like Saturday)!  There will be more on this soon!

Farm Week in Review.

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