Friday, February 1, 2013

Farm Setbacks.


Inevitably in life, and more so in farming, you are going to have days when it seems that Mother Nature feels it necessary to remind you who is in charge.


On Tuesday we rushed to put the plastic on our new hoop house.  The temperature had risen to around 60 degrees which we hoped was warm enough to stretch the plastic tight.  With the help of several guys we got the 48′ x 100′ sheet of plastic “film” over the metal frame of the hoop house and began securing the sides and ends with wiggle wire.


Unfortunately, the wind began to pick up, and we were not able to finish tightening the sides nor were we able to finish one end wall.


The next day the rain came and it was a little windy, but the plastic held.  However, the following day the cold front moved in and the temperature dropped from the 50′s to the low 20′s and the wind began to gust upwards of 42mph.  The wind and cold temperatures were too much for the plastic which tore on either side of where we had placed temporary wiggle wire.


I took this picture yesterday morning and I wish I had taken a video now because the snapping sound that this plastic was making in the wind was unreal.  Like the sound of a gun going off, you could feel the percussion in the air.


Yes, this was a costly and unfortunate event.  We are out time and money, but as my husband said, it’s already done so there is no use in anger or frustration, we’ll simply have to do it again.  So we’ll buy another role of plastic and hope for a couple of warm calm days to put it back together again.


Farm Setbacks.

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